Summer Club Uniform

Blue playing tops are to be introduced across all teams this season. The tops are blue and the pants will remain white.

Many of the teams have already been using the blue tops for a number of seasons, however, we are now including them for junior teams.

All uniform enquiries and purchases can be directed to Jennifer at K2 Baseball in Knox.

The Club appreciates that costs associated with registration and uniforms at the start of the season can be difficult to manage, so please do not worry if you are not able to have the new top by the start of the season.

Overview of uniform

Cap: All players (except tee-ballers) wear the navy blue with light blue ‘R’, Rustler’s playing cap which can be purchased through the Club. Send your order to:

Pants: summer pants are plain white, they can be purchased at K2 Baseball or any baseball outlet.


Any suitable pants that cover the knees can be worn and any t-shirt.

Little League & Intermediate teams – playing on Friday Nights

White playing pants with blue button-up ‘Rustlers’ top. Please check with Team Manager at start of the season

Little League U12, 14, 16, 18 – Playing on Sundays

White playing pants with blue button-up ‘Rustlers’ top

All Senior players

White playing pants with blue button-up ‘Rustlers’ top

Information on the allocation of player numbers

It is important that everyone is aware of the procedure in applying for and obtaining a player number. Juniors are NOT ELIGIBLE for a number until they start playing Seniors.

The allocation and approval of a player number is done through the Club as there is a central register of all numbers – to prevent duplication.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Send a request for a player number to Trevor Clemens (Club Board Member) at and to the Club’s email
  2. A number will be allocated by Trevor and confirmed in writing (via email).
  3. Provide a copy of that confirmation to K2 (where tops are purchased). K2 will not print a number on the tops without written confirmation of the number from the Club.

If there are any questions, please email: